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Milestone Moment – Main St. Promise Groundbreaking Celebration

Milestone Moment – Main St. Promise Groundbreaking Celebration

Celebrating a Milestone: The Main Street Promise Groundbreaking Event

On Friday, December 6, our community gathered at the Kiggins Block, 1011 Main Street, for a momentous occasion—the groundbreaking celebration for the Main Street Promise project. This event marked the official start of a transformative journey to revitalize and enhance our downtown area.

A Vision Taking Shape

The Main Street Promise project, made possible through collaborative efforts and careful planning, aims to create a more vibrant and welcoming downtown for residents, businesses, and visitors alike. With the recent bid award to Nutter Corporation, the construction will soon be underway, bringing us closer to realizing this shared vision.

Mayor Anne McEnerny-Ogle, along with project partners and key contributors, addressed the attendees, highlighting the community’s pivotal role in shaping the project. She recognized council members, legislators, the Vancouver Downtown Association (VDA), Block Captains, Project Advisory Group (PAG), and local business owners for their contributions and support.

Event Highlights

The event featured inspiring speeches and presentations from key figures, including:

Mayor Anne McEnerny-Ogle, who welcomed attendees and recognized contributors.

Ryan Lopossa from the City of Vancouver, who introduced the Construction Team.

Shannon Buell from Nutter Corporation, the project’s construction partner.

Jason Irving of MacKay Sposito, who highlighted the firm’s involvement and invited local businesses to share their perspectives.

Crystal Humble Lary of Eryngium Papeterie and Jon and Kelsey Jennings of Ronald Records, who shared their support and excitement for the project.

Patrick Quinton of the City of Vancouver, who led the ceremonial groundbreaking with project leaders and dignitaries.

Our very own Michael Walker, who closed the event with a heartfelt thank-you and an invitation to First Friday festivities.

Looking Ahead

As construction begins, the Main Street Promise project represents more than just physical improvements; it embodies our community’s commitment to growth, collaboration, and creating a vibrant downtown core. Updates on the project’s progress will be shared regularly, ensuring that everyone stays informed about the exciting developments to come.

We extend our sincere thanks to everyone who joined us for this celebration and to all who have played a part in this transformative initiative. Together, we’re building a Main Street that reflects the best of our community—a place where we can all thrive and connect.

Stay Informed

For ongoing updates about the Main Street Promise project, visit the Main Street Promise Website. Your continued support and engagement are vital as we move forward on this exciting journey.

Thank you for celebrating this milestone with us, and here’s to the future of Main Street!


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