E-Commerce Assistance Program
JumpStart Downtown
JUMPSTART DOWNTOWN is an e-commerce assistance program providing businesses located in the downtown core tailored services to improve their online presence.
Services administered by this program will help mitigate the negative impacts of COVID-19 and will ensure business resiliency post-pandemic. JUMPSTART DOWNTOWN is funded by CDBG CARES Act funding, administered by the City of Vancouver.
APPLICATION PERIOD CLOSED—We are not currently accepting new applications at this time. Please click “Apply Now,” to join our waitlist. If we are able to secure additional CDBG funding, VDA staff will follow-up on next steps.

Program FAQ
Services Offered
Businesses will be filtered to downtown agencies that specialize in e-commerce and social media services based on their specific needs.
• E-Commerce Development
• Competitive Analysis
• Content Strategy
• Search Engine Optimization
• Local Listings Development
• Branding / Marketing
• Content Analysis
• Messaging Analysis
• Business must have experienced negative impacts from COVID-19
• Preference is given to low/moderate income households (we encourage all interested parties to apply for consideration)
• Must be a business located within downtown Vancouver, see map for program boundaries
Application Process
APPLICATION PERIOD CLOSED—We are not currently accepting new applications at this time. Please click “Apply Now,” to join our waitlist. If we are able to secure additional CDBG funding, VDA staff will follow-up on next steps.
Impact Report
2020-21 IMPACT REPORT: JUMPSTART DOWNTOWN assisted 40 small businesses along our Main St corridor.
Businesses received tailored assistance to meet their explicit needs with creating websites, enhancing their social media presence, and developing digital marketing collateral.
JUMPSTART DOWNTOWN was noted as having the highest ROI of any CDBG program during the 2020-21 timeframe.