New Seasons: Bridging the Gap
Exciting News! New Seasons Market is now officially OPEN! Located at 16th & Main directly across from Clark County Historical Museum.
After decades in the making, we’re thrilled to announce the grand opening of our new grocery store that bridges the gap between downtown and uptown.
This marks a significant step towards improving the quality of life for our community and creating a healthier, more robust residential center.
THE COLUMBIAN—Vancouver’s Downtown Association also believes the soon-to-open grocery store will be a boon for the area, improving access to groceries for downtown residents and providing a “vital link between our downtown district and the neighboring Uptown Village. “I anticipate that residents from the waterfront area will embrace the opportunity to stroll up Main Street for their grocery shopping, further fostering a sense of community and connectivity,” said Michael Walker, executive director of the association. Walker also thinks the grocery store will become a downtown attraction, ensuring more foot traffic for local businesses.